Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Policies: Vacason allows hosts to choose among four standardized cancellation policies (Flexible, Moderate, Strict and No Return) that we will enforce to protect both guest and host alike. Guests may cancel and review any penalties by viewing their travel plans and then clicking ‘Cancel’ on the appropriate reservation. A host's cancellation policy can be found in the Cancellations section of their listing page. Guests will also be asked to agree to the host`s cancellation policy when they make a booking.

1. Flexible Cancellation Policy: Flexible cancellation allows a guest or traveller full refund if cancellation of reservation is made per host's cancellation policy prior to arrival, excluding fees charged by Vacason. A reservation is cancelled when a guest clicks the cancellation button. 

2. Moderate Cancellation Policy: Moderate cancellation allows a guest or traveller full refund within limited period if cancellation of reservation is made per host's cancellation policy prior to arrival, excluding fees charged by Vacason. A reservation is cancelled when a guest clicks the cancellation button.

3. Strict Cancellation: Strict cancellation allows a guest or traveller 50% refund if cancellation of reservation is made per host's cancellation policy prior to arrival, excluding fees charged by Vacason. A reservation is cancelled when a guest clicks the cancellation buttonexcluding fees charged by Vacason. A reservation is cancelled when a guest clicks the cancellation button.

4. No Return Cancellation: No Return cancellation allows a guest or traveller 0% refund if cancellation of reservation is made per host's cancellation policy prior to arrival, excluding fees charged by Vacason.  A reservation is cancelled when a guest clicks the cancellation button.